Saturday 2 August 2014

Yog Sadhana - Diet and Exercise, Exercises After Pregnancy - English

Being a mother is the best feeling in this world for a woman. Right from the time a lady conceives till the birth of the child, she has to face different phases, which eventually causes some negative impact on her body. Losing weight is never easy, especially after pregnancy.

Childbirth is a fresh chapter in a woman's life and the new mother is close to feeling hassled due to several changes -- emotional as well as physical. Here are a few tips that may go a long way in saying goodbye to all the weight gain during pregnancy.

Follow a nutritious diet & Start slowly

The only way to stick with an Exercise plan is to ease into it. Women who dive head first into exercise may get discouraged by aches and pains. This is the time when you cannot go wrong with what you eat as it affects the milk supply to the newborn baby. "Start consuming wholesome meals and adopt a sensible approach to losing weight post-delivery New mothers to eat whole grains, fresh vegetables, high proteins in the form of fish and also healthy fats.

Live Happy & Breast feed your baby

Did you know that breastfeeding can actually help you lose those extra pounds? There's good news for new moms as nursing your precious one can lead to weight loss. Breastfeeding requires mothers to make milk which naturally burns calories and help her to shed those ugly flabs. Do something that you love to do. You may have to work back up to it but that's okay. If you love jogging, start out walking until you are ready to jog. Exercise for the sake of exercise will not keep you going.

Tadasana - Mountain Pose,Yoga for After Pregnancy - English

Being a mother is the best feeling in this world for a woman. Right from the time a lady conceives till the birth of the child, she has to face different phases, which eventually causes some negative impact on her body. Losing weight is never easy, especially after pregnancy.

Childbirth is a fresh chapter in a woman's life and the new mother is close to feeling hassled due to several changes -- emotional as well as physical. Here are a few tips that may go a long way in saying goodbye to all the weight gain during pregnancy.

Follow a nutritious diet & Start slowly

The only way to stick with an Exercise plan is to ease into it. Women who dive head first into exercise may get discouraged by aches and pains. This is the time when you cannot go wrong with what you eat as it affects the milk supply to the newborn baby. "Start consuming wholesome meals and adopt a sensible approach to losing weight post-delivery New mothers to eat whole grains, fresh vegetables, high proteins in the form of fish and also healthy fats.

Live Happy & Breast feed your baby

Did you know that breastfeeding can actually help you lose those extra pounds? There's good news for new moms as nursing your precious one can lead to weight loss. Breastfeeding requires mothers to make milk which naturally burns calories and help her to shed those ugly flabs. Do something that you love to do. You may have to work back up to it but that's okay. If you love jogging, start out walking until you are ready to jog. Exercise for the sake of exercise will not keep you going.

Friday 1 August 2014

Surya Namaskar - Lose Weight, , Exercise for After Pregnancy - English

Surya Namaskar After Pregnancy

Surya Namaskar is a serie of twelve physical postures, performed in a single graceful flow. So that one pose flows into the next. Through their maximum range, giving a profound stretch to the whole body. This flow warms up your body and tones the abdominal muscles.
Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract. Through this combination you connect your body, mind and soul.


high blood pressure, before or after operations. Any injury ask your doctor. Women should avoid Surya Namaskar during menstruation.


Only if you are experienced in bodywork.(ask your doctor)
Being a mother is the best feeling in this world for a woman. Right from the time a lady conceives till the birth of the child, she has to face different phases, which eventually causes some negative impact on her body. Losing weight is never easy, especially after pregnancy.
Childbirth is a fresh chapter in a woman's life and the new mother is close to feeling hassled due to several changes -- emotional as well as physical. Here are a few tips that may go a long way in saying goodbye to all the weight gain during pregnancy.

Follow a nutritious diet & Start slowly

The only way to stick with an Exercise plan is to ease into it. Women who dive head first into exercise may get discouraged by aches and pains. This is the time when you cannot go wrong with what you eat as it affects the milk supply to the newborn baby. "Start consuming wholesome meals and adopt a sensible approach to losing weight post-delivery New mothers to eat whole grains, fresh vegetables, high proteins in the form of fish and also healthy fats.

Live Happy & Breast feed your baby

Did you know that breastfeeding can actually help you lose those extra pounds? There's good news for new moms as nursing your precious one can lead to weight loss. Breastfeeding requires mothers to make milk which naturally burns calories and help her to shed those ugly flabs. Do something that you love to do. You may have to work back up to it but that's okay. If you love jogging, start out walking until you are ready to jog. Exercise for the sake of exercise will not keep you going.

Pranayama - Breathing Exercises, Yoga Exercise for After Pregnancy - English

Pranayama during pregnancy is not a good idea from an Ayurvedic point of view. Because of the following reasons --
1. Pranayama balances Vata Dosha in the body. During pregnancy, no such special efforts are required to be done for balancing vata. This is because of two reasons -- The Vata Dosha of the mother is altered to accustom the growth of uterus and the fetus inside the womb. The Vata inside Fetus will be in an immature but active condition.
2. Pranayama is meant for improving health of body and mind, to improve concentration etc. This is not so needed during pregnancy as all the mother's concentration will be on her womb. Pranayama can be taken up after 3 -- 4 months after delivery by when the Vata is settled down in the mother.
3. While doing Pranayama, while holding the breath, there is a direct pressure on the abdomen, which is not good during pregnancy.
4. A pregnant woman at the later stages, will be at unease during normal breathing due to the bulk of the womb. It is not a good idea to take up pranayama when the breathing is difficult.
5. Pranayama is a sort of exertion over the body & abdomen. So it is not recommended during pregnancy.
6. Erect posture while sitting is difficult to maintain during pregnancy.